VWP Fence Post
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VWP uses only jack pine for its fence posts because this slow-growing pine has tightly packed rings that give it uncommon strength and durability. These unique properties come from the 60 to 80 years that it takes jack pine to reach diameters of 7 to 10 inches.
You get a full 25 years of worry-free service from these extraordinary, taper-peeled fence posts! In contrast to VWP posts, cheaper “dowelled” fence posts can begin to rot at the ground line after only 5 years, because too much sapwood (the treatable part of a post) has been removed, leaving too little preservative in the post. Studies show a taper-peeled fence post is 50% stronger than a dowelled fence post.
Because Penta is not water soluble, you won’t have the concerns about ground-water contamination on your property as occurs with arsenic leaching from water-soluble CCA (chromated copper arsenate) found in certain treated-wood products. Penta is a crystalline solid that becomes a liquid preservative when dissolved in biodiesel. The Penta treating that Vermette Wood Preservers does meets or exceeds all CSA, AWPA, and USDA standards for treated wood.