Hubbard 20% Rangeland Cake

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20% Rangeland Cake is a premium quality high energy cake formulated to provide supplemental energy, protein, minerals and vitamins to cattle on high forage diets.

20% Rangeland Cake can be fed any time forage supply is limited, forage quality limits productivity or when supplemental energy is required to reach and/or maintain a targeted level of production.

Digestible energy is the most common limiting factor to livestock production. 20% Rangeland Cake provides a high level of supplemental energy in the form of digestible fiber. Unlike grain-based supplements that decrease forage digestion, digestible fiber provided by 20% Rangeland Cake can increase utilization of the basal forage diet by stimulating rumen microbial growth. Digestible energy value of the basal forage diet can be further increased with proper protein supplementation.

20% Rangeland Cake is formulated with a combination of rumen degradable, and non-degradable protein sources. A combination of supplemental rumen degradable and non-degradable protein ensures that adequate protein is available for fetal growth and/or lactation and that rumen microorganisms have an adequate supply of degradable protein to maximize forage digestion. Increased forage digestion means more energy for increased production efficiency.

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